Interest #1 Alexandra Nye

Interest #1 Alexandra Nye

There is one reason that this agency may not be genuine in its interest for Apostles and that is because it charges a reading fee. There is an unsaid rule that states no agent or agency should charge a reading fee, all fees come out of contracts and deals made for the author. Therefore I am wary of this agency, but I may consider them.

Dear Mr Took,

I have read your sample pages with interest. This does look to be an appealing and original title, and we would be more than happy to read the complete MS. However, I must advise that we charge a reading fee for more substantial feedback. The fee is £2,00 per 1000 words.

...omitted for clarity and confidentiality

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours Sincerely,

Alexandra Nye

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(296 left to go)

1 comment:

Alex said...

I have just received the same letter, word for word, 'an appealling and original title' etc. I see that reader's reports cost about half the amount from Writers Services (links from Writer's and Artist's Year Book site) Very wary - no idea how common it is for agents to charge reading fees..
